Learn More About Our Collective
Wildflowers I A
Yoga + Healing Collective was created from a desire for more.
Our founder, Brandi Sadler, sought a yoga studio in Gainesville that resonated with a sense of home. With over 20 years of practice, she longed for a home-studio that honored the ancient practices and cultivated the deep roots of yoga. Along her yoga journey, Brandi cultivated a deep love for the world through her extensive travels, allowing her to learn, teach, and grow along her Yoga and Healing path.
Every time Brandi returned to her North Central Florida home, she felt a yearning for something more—a studio that aligned with the philosophies she had embraced throughout her journey. Brandi envisioned a place that would deepen her connection to the world, her values, and her community. This studio would offer the diverse benefits of yoga, advancing a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.
Ultimately, her passion transformed into the creation of a nurturing space in our cherished little swamp, serving as a sanctuary for enthusiastic, vibrant, and ever-evolving teachers and students alike. In 2019, Brandi's vision became a reality, providing the community with a space to practice, grow, and thrive together.
wildflowers | a yoga & healing collective IS BORN in 2019
Brandi acted upon her vision to build a Collective of wonderful facilitators, dedicated karma yogis, and seeking students. These teachers would enrich their studio’s classes and events by incorporating Wildflowers’ well-rounded approach to Yoga & Healing by honoring Patanjali’s 8-Limbs of Yoga.
One of Brandi’s greatest joys is teaching teachers. It is with gratitude that she gets to travel afar to spread her extensive knowledge of Yoga as an international yoga teacher trainer, and return home to share the teachings from abroad with the local collective. And, the fulfillment of bringing worldly teachings and healing experiences to the 352 has been her most powerful journey yet.
Francoise Long & COMPANY
Over the last five years, Brandi has brought on a dedicated team of individuals who share her vision with burning enthusiasm.
Francoise Long came on as partner, and the two women work daily to set the stage for the Collective to shine.
Our ever-growing collective
Our dream is in full bloom!
Wildflowers | A Yoga & Healing Collective joyously offers culture-rich weekly classes and special events. All of our offerings are steeped in the 8-Limbs of Patanjali.
Breathwork, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Meditation, Sound Healing, Cacao Ceremonies, Kirtan, and so much more!
Our Collective is home to some of the most wonderful and skilled souls we’ve met. We now have 45+ Facilitators and Karma Yogis that we’re proud to call our team.
What are the 8-limbs of yoga, and why are they important?
The Sanskrit word “Yoga” means to “Unite” or “Yoke”. Yoga is not simply a movement regime. Yoga is a beautiful way of life.
Patanjali is known as the father of modern yoga, as he helped to make this ancient knowledge more accessible. One of the most systematic and comprehensible ways to practice yoga today is through the teachings and breakdowns found in Patanjali’s book and philosophy, the Yoga Sutras.
According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Yoga is an eight-fold path. This path coalesces to reveal one’s truest nature: The nature of Blissful Union between all parts of self.
Fitness goals and stress relief are a great reason to get into yoga. That being said, we guarantee that will be just the beginning.
The 8-Limbed Yogic Path is a welcoming, holistic practice.
Patanjali’s 8-Limbs are as follows:
1. Yamas: Principles that teach us how to treat others and the world around us.
2. Niyamas: Standards by which we relate to ourselves.
3. Asana: The practice of the yoga postures.
4. Pranayama: The regulation of breath.
5. Pratyahara: Sensory withdrawal, journeying inwards.
6. Dharana: A singular, pointed focus of the mind.
7. Dhyana: Meditative absorption.
8. Samadhi: Blissful Union.