Wildflowers’ Spring

300-hr Advanced

Yoga Teacher Training

Gainesville’s first
300-hr advanced yoga teacher training
runs from
February 7th to June 1st, 2025!

Hosted by Lead Trainer Brandi Sadler
+ our wonderful Collective of Wildflowers Facilitators.
This self-mastery training is heart-led and alignment-based.

For all inquiries please email education@wildflowersyoga.com


You must complete a separate Yoga Alliance 200-hour teacher training program prior to attending. 


We are a Yoga Alliance Registered school! After completion of your 300hr YTT, you will be able to register with Yoga Alliance at the 300-hour level.


For more information, application, payment, or any questions please get in touch with Brandi at education@wildflowersyoga.com

Focus of the advanced Training

This heart-centered 300-hour training focuses on deepening your yoga practice, expanding your body knowledge, refining your teaching skills, and fostering your personal transformation in a supportive environment. We integrate a holistic understanding of movement and alignment while authentically honoring the roots of yoga.

Sacred Space for True Self Realization

This training offers a sacred space for profound exploration of your body, mind, and personal practice. It fosters the dissolution of barriers to reveal your true self. You will learn transformative tools that empower you to enhance your teaching and embody your fullest potential.

You will be guided to your own source of illumination. With an emphasis on heart-expanding practices, we will explore bhakti yoga-the resurgence of devotion in life and in teaching, powerful Prema breathwork, mantra chanting, asana, and non-asana yoga techniques. This training provides a holistic pathway to flourishing and self-mastery.

With a deep dive into anatomy, physiology, and alignment—both physical and spiritual—this course equips its graduates with a well-rounded understanding of movement and function. This instills confidence in your safe and skillful support of others and teaching of others in yoga and other elements of life.

Yoga Alliance-approved topics

Techniques, Training, and Practice

Teaching Methodology

Anatomy & Physiology

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle & Ethics



your training experience

  • Daily yoga practice: Various styles included, such as alignment based flow, yin, ashtanga, Jivamukti special guests, and peer teaching.

  • Exploration of 8-Limbs of yoga: This includes meditation, pranayama, and chanting.

  • Anatomy Education: Thorough breakdown of the muscles of the body. You will learn anatomical names, attachments, and functions.

  • Better Understanding Your Students: How the body functions and moves in a yoga class and in everyday life.

  • Designing Incredible Classes: Deepening aptitude for class structure curation, sequencing, and incorporating anatomical cues in your teaching.

  • Sacred Text Deep Dive: Review and discussion of the foundational sacred texts of Yoga.

  • Props: Using props during asana teaching and practicing for a deeper, safer, and more fulfilling yoga practice.

  • Assists: Practice of verbal and hands-on assists, leading to confidence offering safe and effective assists in the classroom.

  • Yoga Nidra: Experience of and practice leading the deeper states of relaxation.

  • Subtle body & Chakras: Exploration of the energetic body.

  • Ayurveda, Ojas, Kriyas: Education and practice of yoga’s sister science and cleansing techniques.

  • Satsang & Cacao Ceremonies: Community connection to share wisdom, song, chants, and medicine together.

  • Yin Yoga: Practice of receiving and teaching yin, supportive prop use, class structure, and cuing education.

  • Prema Breathwork: Practice of the powerful and transformative “breathwork of Divine Love”.

  • Intro to Shamanism: Exploring ancient shamanistic history, methods of medicine, and it’s connection to yoga practices.

  • Intro to Prenatal Yoga: Methodology of leading yoga sessions designed for pregnant women.

  • Dharma Talks: Understand how to create and confidently incorporate dharma talks into your teachings.

    Take your practice deeper as you come to understand what it means for you to take your yoga practice off the mat and into your daily life.

Weekend DATES:

February 7th, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 28th

March 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, 9th, 28th, 29th, 30th

April 5th, 6th*, 18th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th

May 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 30th, 31st

June 1st

Wednesday nights:

February 12th, 19th

March 12th

April 2nd, 9th, 23rd, 30th

May 14th, 21st


All Saturdays listed will include attendance to the Somatic Awakening morning class and an additional hour-long dinner break.

Included in these dates will be one additional Sunday morning field trip to meet from 7-11 am, the date will be posted after registration closes.

Friday 7:45 pm - 9:45 pm

Saturday 7:00 am - 10:30 am, 12:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Sunday 9:00 am - 10:15 am, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Wednesday EVENINGS

These sessions will be offered as a hybrid. The final schedule will be available once registration ends. Plan to attend these classes live, whether in person or on Zoom.

Wednesdays 5:00 - 9:00 pm

*Please plan to be in person

Sunday 4/6 - Attend Breathwork with Brandi from 1:00- 4:30 pm!

Weekly Classes to Attend At Wildflowers

In addition to the above weekend and Wednesday evening classes, you will be responsible for attending 38 hours of in-person weekly classes at Wildflowers over the course of the training.

It is recommended that you attend on average 2 classes per week, over the span of the 17-week period with Brandi, Franny, Krista, Narayan, or Teresa

Tuition: $3,900.00 
Early bird discount: $3700.
The Early Bird Discount Must be paid in full by December 8, 2024

DEPOSIT: $900 reserves your spot. The deposit goes toward tuition.

Payment plans are available. Please email education@wildflowersyoga.com with an interest in a custom payment plan

Registration closes on January 24, 2025.

Payments are accepted via cash, check, or through Momence via your credit card or bank account.

Payments can be made online or in person at the Wildflowers front desk after the initial arrangement is set up with Brandi.

When paying tuition with a credit card there will be a fee associated. This fee will be added to the full, original tuition of the training.

When paying with cash, check, or your bank account through Momence, no additional fees will be added.

Payment plans are available on an individual basis, please contact education@wildflowersyoga.com to get yours set up today!

If the payment plan needs to extend beyond 6 months, please contact Franny directly to arrange this.

Franny: education@wildflowersyoga.com